Punk Rock Picnic

These images are from the 3rd Annual Punk Rock Picnic held this year Hidden Valley Irvine at Verizon. I had originally planned to see the Bastard Winos at this show but due to a line up conflict, they were unable to attend. After reading that Duane Peters and the Exploding Fuck Dolls as well as the Dickies were part of the days entertainment I decided to attend anyway. In my formal life as an recording engineer, I had recorded the EF Dolls for some their early cuts on Monster Records and releases on Disaster Records. So, I thought it would be cool to catch up with some old friends I hadn’t seen in a while and the Dickies… I still have their vinyl records in my collection and I used to listen to them in High School, so I was looking forward to their set as well.

No fancy tech here. Today I brought the little gun, my Canon G9 and of course, shot in existing light. I obviously had a little fun in post kicking up contrast in PhotoShop. Otherwise, these are pretty straight forward captures. I chose the Canon G9 as my point and shoot because it has just about all the manual control ability of a DSLR minus the lens options and it captures at 12.1 megapixels. Not bad for a little guy. I can manually adjust on the fly with live preview or I can always view the histogram for a more accurate read of my scene. I will post more images from this camera in the near future and I’m sure you’ll be surprised of the quality.